Congregational Stewardship

Mike Bryant Turquoise fired wash basin and bowl

First Fruits and the Church Budget

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | September 17, 2017

People may think that the church budget is a bone-dry instrument that just monitors church committees, but that’s far from the truth! It reflects its members’ values as surely as a person’s online giving or checkbook mirrors his or her priorities. So what does your congregation’s current budget say about first fruits living? Many church…

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Do What for Advent?

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | September 10, 2017

I know: theoretically you planned the fall annual stewardship emphasis back in the spring, but life often intervenes to upset even the best of plans. So now you’re looking for a stewardship theme to fit your revised schedule. And wouldn’t it be great if it had a creative approach and unique timing this year, when…

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Baptized into Wilderness

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | August 21, 2017

With all the political and economic threats to the environment these days, Baptized into Wilderness: A Christian Perspective on John Muir is an important reminder of why we care for God’s creation. This book of environmental theology by Richard Austin is a classic, using the life and thoughts of John Muir, supreme naturalist and activist,…

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A Living Legacy: Grace upon Grace

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | August 15, 2017

Even the most financially ambitious among us hunger for more than just the money standard in our lives. Somewhere along the way, we want the assurance that our lives have been not only successful, but valuable. Most people want to leave something behind that would be not just a money gift to a cause, but…

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Plan Now for Health Day

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | August 12, 2017

In a delightful move, the North Georgia Conference and the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries have come together to sponsor a United Methodist Health Day this September 15. The in-person event will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. at Dunwoody UMC in Atlanta. Breakout sessions will include cooking demonstrations, health information, fitness fun,…

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Seven Attributes of Generous Churches

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | August 1, 2017

Patrick Johnson has worked with innovative U.S. churches for almost ten years, seeking to answer the question, “What does it take to create a culture of generosity in a local church?” In “Seven Attributes of a Generous Church,”1 he names seven common characteristics he has discovered. The more generous congregations he has encountered: 1. Are…

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Generous Stewards — Compassionate and Caring

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | July 25, 2017

     I listened to a fascinating TED Talk on National Public Radio about compassion a while ago.1 It featured political analyst Sally Cone, and journalist Christa Tippet. “Compassion [is] the ability to appreciate and respect another person’s viewpoint, even if it isn’t your own,” said Cone. It includes communicating that your feelings are valid, and…

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Even Better than a Birthday

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | July 23, 2017

            Today we get to celebrate our youngest grandchild’s birthday! It’s amazing to think that he’s ten years old already. And of course we are bringing a small gift for him, which we hope he will enjoy. But we made a greater gift shortly after his birth, when we put some money aside to grow…

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The Joy of My Heart

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | July 17, 2017

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. . . . Your decrees are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. (Psalm 119:105,111) I stand within a tradition that understands God’s Word – God’s Living Word – as active at the intersection of reading the Scriptures…

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Generous Stewards — Collaborative and Collegial

By Betsy Schwarzentraub | July 8, 2017

             Generous stewards often seem to interact and engage in ministry through networks of diverse folks – more like being part of a movement than a single organization. For example: Cooking Up English, in Austin, TX, is a local church ministry that uses cooking to help non-English speakers learn more about the language, while building…

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