Exploring Forgiveness
Run With Focus
Something has led me to start researching a new book, tentatively called Time to Forgive? There’s a question mark in the title because I want it to be honest about how brutal the call to forgive can be, as well as how important it is to work toward, and how different people have moved in…
Read MoreNot for Wimps
Let’s say we believe deeply in God, as many of us do. More than that, at some time we might have prayed for God’s guidance, have experienced God’s presence, and/or have felt and responded to God’s love. What then? How can we stay in love with God?1 In 18th Century England, Christian reformer John Wesley…
Read MoreChoose Your Story
The story you tell about your experience as a victim can be your prison. But creating a new story, based on the same facts, can be the key to escaping it. None of us likes feeling trapped or imprisoned, so why would we create a story that locks us in? Forgiveness expert Dr. Fred Luskin1…
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