“Star Child”

I was stunned by Carlton Young and Shirley Murray’s song, “Star Child,” in an Advent worship service this month. Hope Publishing Company brought it out in 1994, but this was the first time I’d heard it, from the songbook The Faith We Sing.

It calls Jesus “Star-Child, earth-Child, go-between of God.” Then it identifies many “children” of all ages in different circumstances – those on the street and beaten down; those who’ve been used; those who are old and feeling lost; those spared, spoiled and always wanting more. For all these children of God, Jesus Christ, the “hope-for-peace Child,” comes down to earth, announcing that Christmas comes to everyone.

Particularly since my husband and I have come out to the country (almost ten years now), we have gotten to know and value people who have not been the “spared and spoiled.” Many are earnest, hard-working people who have never had health insurance, who put jobs together to make enough for an individual income, who don’t have retirement because they never had a chance to put non-urgent funds aside. Jesus Christ comes to each of these and more.

Maybe what’s different now is that I care. These are our friends, our neighbors. I want them to know that Jesus is their go-between, regardless of how they’re treated by others and whether they’re religious or not. How does this relate to stewardship? We are stewards of the gospel – the Good News – for all.

Your partner in ministry,

Betsy Schwarzentraub