Narrative Budget, XXX Church

A Narrative Budget for First [XXX]Church

The children in our midst,

                             the mission at our doorstep,

                                                a place of hospitality and grace.

         A Narrative Budget is a description of the actual ministries that are under way at a church. It is a Mission-Driven Budget that asks the question, “What is the shape of the ministry to which God has called and equipped us?” Asking and answering that question equips us to pray, individually and collectively, about how God is calling us to contribute to the efforts and goals of the church.

A Narrative Budget lets us look at who we are in a concrete manner. It shares our understanding of where God is calling us so that everyone can appreciate the importance of his or her time, talents, and gifts in the ministry we tend. It then asks us to project forward our prayers and plans for the next ministry year. To contextualize [this congregation’s] Narrative Budget, we will examine our ministries through the lens of the three areas of our vision statement: The children in our midst, the mission at our doorstep, a place of hospitality and grace.

The Narrative Budget

The Children in Our Midst

Ministry Staff

We currently employ a Senior Pastor, an Associate Pastor, a Choir Director, an Organist, a Bell Choir Director, our Director of First School, two teachers at First School, Children’s Attendants for Sunday mornings, a Wedding Coordinator, a Concert Coordinator, a Church Business Administrator, an Administrative Assistant, two Custodians, as well as many dedicated unpaid Lay Servant Ministers.

          Of our Staff expenses, approximately $251,315 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

Council on Ministries

The Council on Ministries (COM) shepherds a diverse set of ministries, many of which nurture children. COM supplies curriculum and supplies for Sunday School and provides us with ways to communicate, like Insights, advertising and our website. Worship supplies and program support for Young Adult ministries all come under the umbrella of COM.

Of our Council on Ministries expenses, approximately $11,850 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

Physical Plant

As much as we know “the church is not a building, the church is the people,” we are stewards of a sacred space in which we may praise God and equip one another for ministry. This is certainly true to the extent that we utilize our facilities in ministries to the children. We don’t think of a safe and well-equipped physical plant as a substitute for meaningful, Christ-centered nurture and care of children and youth. Instead it is an indispensable component of that vital ministry. The state of our building and facilities is a testimony to our commitment to provide service within the campus of our church. Our vision for the future is that the church building be kept faithfully. [In our denomination], our own heritage provides numerous examples of a people engaged in God’s work in the world, using built structures as launch points of ministry.

          Of our Physical Plant expenses, $74,400 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

In total, we currently budget $341,138 per year (45% of total) to fulfill ministries to the Children in Our Midst.

We would like to grow this ministry by __ % in the coming year.


                                                  The Mission at Our Doorstep

Council on Ministries

COM also supports the local and regional missions of [First Church]. Our work as the hands and feet of God in healing ministries is a testimony to our neighborhood and our region of our commitment to share the grace of God which we have ourselves received.

Of our COM expenses, $11,500 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

Connectional Ministry (Apportionments)

We are a connectional church projecting a commitment to our ministry in and beyond [this city] and [area] through our shared ministry [in this] Conference. Of every dollar we give, approximately 80 cents remain within our conference boundaries, providing clergy benefits and pensions, educational grants for future ministers, and parish development assistance. The remaining giving is gathered together with the giving of our sister churches throughout the connection to provide ministries of witness, healing and justice in places and ways we could never reach on our own.

Apportionment giving is a distinctive of United Methodism. It is a cornerstone of our missional identity and a defining witness to our Wesleyan tradition of ministry beyond ourselves.

        We currently budget $54,930 per year to fulfill this ministry.

In total, we currently budget $66,430 per year (9 % of total) to fulfill ministries to the Mission at Our Doorstep.

We would like to grow this ministry by __ % in the coming year.

A Place of Hospitality and Grace

Ministry Staff

Worship truly is the “front porch” of our community presence. People come seeking the Living Water of God’s grace and justice. How they are received, welcomed, and nurtured in their discipleship is the result of a coordinated effort by staff and lay servant ministers alike.

          Of our Staff expenses, approximately $251,315 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

 Council on Ministries

Adult Christian Education opportunities, Family Ministries, Coffee and a Chat, Summer BBQs in the Park, and other ministries of hospitality and fellowship, make [First Church] a valued asset in the lives of the many who have been led to our doors by God.

Of our Council on Ministries expenses, approximately $16,650 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

Physical Plant

Of our Physical Plant expenses, approximately $74,400 per year go to fulfill this ministry.

          In total, we currently budget $342,647 per year (46% of total) to fulfill the ministry of a Place of Hospitality and Grace.

We would like to grow this ministry by __ % in the coming year.