Factors That Predict Generosity

From Growing Up Generous: Engaging Youth in Giving and Serving
By Eugene Roehlkepartain, Elanah Dalyah, and Laura Musegades (Alban Institute, 2000)

Studies of giving and serving among youth and adults identify several consistent themes. How can your congregation create or encourage opportunities for young people to have more opportunities for these experiences that shape their generosity with time and money? Try to list at least one for each of the experiences listed below:
 Experiencing the generosity of others and receiving care from parents and other significant adults
 Spending time in settings (home, church, school) where caring and generosity are invited and respected
 Being guided by religious beliefs (or other “frameworks or consciousness”) that encourage care, compassion, and generosity
 Interacting with mentors and role models who both practice and teach generosity
 Having concrete opportunities to serve and give and being personally invited to participate
 Experiencing a faith that is alive, deep, dynamic – in short, life-shaping
 Finding enjoyment and fulfillment through acts of giving and serving
 Being connected to people from diverse backgrounds and who have unique awareness of issues in the world
 Possessing self-confidence and a belief in one’s own capacity to make a difference

See also: Extravagant Generosity: Fun and Faithful Scriptures