Being in Advent

This far into the pre-Christmas period, many of us may be up to our chins in busyness, whether from shopping, community holiday events, or gatherings of family and friends. And did I mention shopping? So how can we re-focus ourselves on being instead of frenetic doing? On the birth of Christ in our hearts and lives?

I write more widely about this in my upcoming book, Growing Generous Souls, but a few intentional activities can actually help us focus on being in God’s presence during what could otherwise become a mad Christmas dash. For example, over the rest of this Advent season and the twelve days after Christmas, we might find our center in one or more of these:
Think of ten ways God has loved you
Read the Christmas story in Luke 2:1-20 and ponder its meaning for you
Thank a person just for being there
Pray for an enemy
Give the gift of time to someone who is alone
Set aside some moments to meditate
Phone a special person to get back in touch
Do an unexpected act of kindness.

It’s not about doing, doing, doing, but about being – being with God, being aware of God’s overwhelming love for us and for all others. Let’s bask in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, “the reason for the season!”

Your partner in worship,

Betsy Schwarzentraub