Giving Simply

“I never carry my checkbook to church. Ninety percent of the time I make financial giving decisions, it’s in front of the computer monitor. How can I even participate in supporting the church financially when you don’t have online giving or even automatic transfer?” The young woman looked around at the room filled with stewardship leaders, most of whom could have been her parents. In the substance of her comment and the age of her audience, she could have been speaking to the Finance Committee of most North American churches, as well.

When we don’t make it easy to give electronically, we make it hard for many people – especially young adults – to participate and support the work of the Body of Christ. Those who are used to credit cards and checkbooks may think it’s complicating things to set up an Electronic Fund Transfer, online giving, or a local church giving App. But by not providing it, would-be givers are forced to go through a multistep process just to be able to respond.

In a recent discussion about simple living, I asked how people can “keep it simple” with so many electronic devices. One young woman said that in a way, it is simpler: instead of having a TV for entertainment, a phone for calling people, and a computer for work files, lots of folks have just one thing: a tablet or a phone. It goes to show, it’s all in your perspective.

Your partner in ministry,

Betsy Schwarzentraub