Don’t Panic

“Don’t panic” was a key phrase early in my life with personal computers. It was the Post-It Note message I stuck on my monitor, back when I wasn’t sure the computer had stored something as soon as it left the screen. I’d almost forgotten that phrase until earlier this month, when I discovered I would…

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Our Bodies on the Line

I want the donut, but do I reach for vegetables instead? It depends on my mood, stress level, self-image at the moment, all kinds of things. And to my anything-goes appetite, it feels like this question is way too personal. But why not? Paul tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,…

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Most things in life are not rocket science. They’re more a matter of persistence and consistent behavior. That doesn’t make living a good life easy, but it does make it possible. Health habits are a good example, including food and exercise. I’m a Lifetime Weight Watcher. That means I weigh in at least once a…

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Body and Soul Program

“We all have challenges to body and soul. While we cannot control every factor in our lives, we can make choices that support health and move us closer to the abundant life God intends for us . . . .” With these words, the Rev. Odette Lockwood-Stewart, pastor of Epworth United Methodist Church in Berkeley,…

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