Advent Devotion Based on John 1:1-5

“In the beginning,” John says—the very beginning, as “when God began to create” in Genesis chapter one, verse one. So here is a new genesis: God’s speaking the Word of Love incarnate, in the One we would come to know in human history as Jesus of Nazareth.

But not only Him. God’s love is embodied in all that lives: in planets, galaxies, and stars; in salamanders, whales, and marmots. In all things that come into being, go out of existence, and come again in new personalities and forms. As the scientists tell us, matter and energy form, exchange, transform, the one to the other and then back again. As it is in the Hebrew language, the “word” is not only spoken but also received. God’s love is made into living material, spirited children of God.

God of the cosmos, God of our inmost hearts, we thank You for constant new beginnings. We are spirit, matter, all made one through You. Thank You for Your life around and within us. May we reflect Your love in who we are and are becoming. We pray this in Jesus’ name and through His way. Amen.

Your partner in life and in faith,

Betsy Schwarzentraub