Worksheet to Build a Generosity Plan

  Building a Generosity Plan for For Our Congregation

Desired Outcomes or Results:

For example:
1. Growing vibrant, faithful stewards (personal growth)
2. Maturing as a vital congregation of gospel stewards (congregational growth)
3. Building a local church of generous hearts and lives
4. Strengthening the stewardship of the church’s full ministry (mutual support with other ministries of the congregation)
5. Empowering our worldwide mission connection for our congregation.

                                             In These Next 12 Months We Plan To:

Stewardship Vitality – Three Aspects of Sustainability and Growth:

1. Celebrate how well we are doing this one of the three aspects:
Initial ideas of how we might do this:

2. Strengthen how we are doing this one of the three aspects:
Initial ideas of how we might do this:

3. Moving from Fundraising to Stewardship:
Ways we can help our congregation make this shift:

Church Behaviors that Show Extravagant Generosity:

1. Support for Mission – How we can communicate our mission more clearly as a congregation, and celebrate it intentionally:

2. One thing we will do to strengthen the personal joy of giving among our people:

3. Percentage Giving and First Fruits Living – How we will emphasize percentage giving and teach, practice and model first fruits living:

The Small-Group Study we plan to have in the next 12 months (not linked to the annual funding program):

What Impacts Giving Behaviors

1. Using the Offering time as a “teachable moment:”

2. Making it Easy to Give:

Working in Collaboration
1. How we can support the work of different ministry areas of the local church:

2. What we need in support from other groups and persons in the congregation, to develop and implement a Generosity Plan:

                                       Ten Things We Will Do in the Next 12 Months:
