Nine Ways We Change the World

Table Reflection Questions:

Stewarding God’s Multifaceted Grace            1 Peter 4:10-11

Choose any of the following questions to spark your reflection together at your table:

1. Recall a time when your presence, words or actions were a gift to someone.

2. How can you live as a steward of the “precious jewel” of God’s grace?

3. In earlier generations, mothers passed on to daughters not only survival skills, but also family stories and life-giving values. Think about a learning you cherish which was passed on to you from another generation. If you had a “spiritual daughter,” what would you want to pass on to her?

Building Up a House of Jewels                    1 Peter 2:4-10

Choose either of these questions to spark discussion at your table:

1. How do you think we women build upon one another as a “spiritual house” of “living stones?” Where do we fit so closely together that we don’t need any outside mortar? How do we help one another shine more brightly with the light of Christ?

2. We seek to have Jesus Christ be our “cornerstone,” from whom all angles are drawn and upon whom the whole Christian household is built. What do you think are the “keystones,” places of creative tension that hold the entire community together, keeping in balance the gifts of us all?

Participating in an Interactive Global Community        Job 28:12-19, 23-28

Choose any of the following questions for your reflection together:

1. Out of your particular experiences, which facet of wisdom is most precious to you: great skill, ethical discernment, or big-picture understanding?

2. Where have you seen Wisdom thriving among women of faith in community?

3. “All of Wisdom’s prophets do her proud,” said Jesus (literal translation). When have women stood up as advocates and prophets for justice and compassion around us? How can you and I together be a stronger part of this mosaic?

Written for Foothills United Methodist Women, Rescue, CA, 4/2007