Generosity – Energy!

When we live generously, the “E” stands for energy: an interior energy that comes from God, and the mutual energy of giving to and receiving from others as part of a faith community.

The Greek word for energy means “effective activity.” It describes being vividly alive, productive and in active service. In the New Testament, the term denotes a power greater than merely human will, and most often comes from God. For example, the term is used for God’s work within and among us, for the power of prayer, and for faith working through love in our lives.

Such generous energy moves around us these days at Foothills UMC. We see people who are vital, alive, purposeful and effective as they teach young children, creatively engage youth, lead adult Sunday school classes, and guide midweek study groups. They pass on basic life skills, feed and assist homeless guests, pray for and visit individuals, engage one another in caring conversations, and prepare for and lead in worship.

Your generosity exudes energy that is both contagious and radiant. Thank you for all the ways you model it by the way that you live!

Your partner in ministry,
Betsy Schwarzentraub


Written 2/2013 for Foothills UMC, Rescue, CA